How to Coach Yourself!

Some people are not in a position to work with a coach right now. Some are stretched financially, while some are still using the "lone ranger" method. Other people might be uncertain about trying something new.

So here is a brief, simple process I often use with clients that you can apply to you own situation i.e. coach yourself! And at the end of the article I will mention how you can go even further than this using a professional coach.

STEP 1) Clarify your goal

Some of us are not moving forward simply because we have not set a goal that inspires us! Make it specific e.g. 20% increase in income by January 1. And you can stretch yourself, but keep it realistic. If you're blocked, schedule creative time to play with ideas. Dream, cry, challenge. Ask someone. Create it! Don't get hung up on the 'right' goal, just pick something exciting that takes your fancy - then trust yourself, and move to Step 2).

STEP 2) Plan

What overall strategy(s) will you use? For example, to lose weight, will your strategy be dietary, exercise based, or a combination? To increase income will you increase your knowledge, switch employers, network, or improve performance. For this stage you will also set your milestones to achieve along the way, with deadlines attached (say every 3-6 months). Also list the tasks to achieve along the way in between milestones.

STEP 3) Action

Once you have the overall plan in place, it's time to get down to specific action. You might like to list the action steps you will take in the next 7 days, or the next 30. When you have completed these actions, it's time to evaluate, celebrate, and write the next list of action steps.

STEP 4) Structure

Having an idea, or desire is one thing. But many of these do not get achieved. This is probably one reason you are reading this article - because there is something in your life you would like to achieve or change, but it hasn't happened yet. Change rarely occurs without a "structure" in place to support you. For example, if you want to be a public speaker, surround yourself with speakers. Talk a friend into doing your goal with you. Ask someone to check in on you once a fortnight to ask how you're going. Set constant diary reminders for the next month, and/or encouraging visual displays on the wall. Announcing your commitment to the world (all your friends) is also a great structure.

And if you're really serious about your goal, it's hard to find a more powerful structure than hiring a coach. Does speaking to someone once a week, and taking time out each week to focus on what's important to you, sound like it might make a difference? You bet!

David Wood is a personal and business coach, and an original founder of the International Coach Academy - a global coach training school.

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