Listen To Me Lad Says Jack

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, when I was first starting out as an apprentice engineer, I was told to sit next to Jack.

Jack was the longest serving Draughtsman in the organisation and he was one of the most lazy people I have ever met. However, I earned something very important from Jack...

Jack gave me a small project to prepare a technical drawing of a simple part for a machine. I can't remember what the machine was but I made a mess of my first attempt and hurriedly tried to rub it out before anyone spotted my mistake.

"Listen to me lad" says Jack, "just you remember that you get paid just as much to rub out as you do to draw in the first place, so don't you be frightened to make a few mistakes."

What a relevation! I had just left school, where the philosophy was very much about getting all your answers right, it was about high marks and passing exams. And, now here I was being told that making mistakes was OK, it was acceptable to mess up from time to time.

During my entire business life I have never forgotten that lesson. I have learned far more from my mistakes than I ever could from my successes. Knowing that you have permission to get things wrong means that you can try alternatives you can test different approaches.

How else can we make progress, how else can we improve our skills, knowledge and experince?

What is it that sets the successful online entrepreneur apart from everyone else? The answer is really very simple, they keep testing new ideas, alternatives, different approaches.

The truly successful online entrepreneur is willing to take risks. But their risks are measured and the results are evaluated and they will embrace improvement then seek even more.

Just like every successful athlete, they record their performance, they seek ways of gaining another small advantage. But every small incremental improvement contributes to their record breaking performance.

What have you tried to improve today, this week, or even this month? Are you happy with your sales conversion rate? Are you signing up as many new subscribers as you would like? Is your Pay Per Click campaign achieving the highest level of click throughs?

Thanks to Jack, my technical drawing ability improved leaps and bounds because I wasn't limited by my fear of failure. Everyday I look for opportunities to test and tweak some part of my sales process to improve my profitability.

My next test on my web site will be a price increase. My eBook is currently priced at only $34.97 and I am going to put the price up to see if my sales volume drops. I hope you are reading this in time to grab a bargain!

Copyright 2004 John Taylor

About The Author

John Taylor is the author of "Learn over Twenty ways To Improve Your Conversion Rate and Multiply Your Profits" - A Special Report that contains a wealth of information on professional testing and tracking techniques that can boost your conversion rate and generate increased profits. To learn how testing and tracking can boost your profits click this link now:

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