Coaching Information

Is Your Attitude Destroying Your Health?

A positive attitude may bring good health and success. If you have ever read any book about success you will discover how an optimistic attitude will keep you healthier and tremendously increase your chances of success.

If I Only Had a Heart

I know you probably have heard of the movie, "The Wizard of Oz" right? Well, for those of you, who have somehow managed to miss this movie, let me give you a brief description of it.A young lady named Dorothy is upset with her home life and decides to run away.

A Visualization Exercise on Managing Expectations for Adults with ADD

As adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), we often find ourselves excited by new ideas and plans, but overwhelmed by what it will take to reach the goals.Many of my coaching clients find themselves in this situation.

What Dost Thou Speaketh? Hey, Affirm This Way!

Articulating repetitive statements with emotion will inevitably connect you to your primary focus. Your destiny is guaranteed, when you repeatedly, decree a seed.

Be A Champion Communicator by Becoming a Chameleon

Recently, I worked with a client who was having a problem with some of the women in her organization. The organization had just undergone major changes, which resulted in different reporting relationships for many of the women.

Two Leadership Strategies: Don't Lose Your Mind & Be a Coach

Are you feeling overwhelmed, a lack of confidence or under a ton of pressure? Are you trying too hard to make something work and focusing too much on trying to fulfill other people's needs and expectations? You may have "lost your mind!"My small still voice often speaks to me in cryptic one-liners. I'll never forget the first time I heard the quiet whisper, "You've lost your mind.

Be The One With Something Interesting To Say

How Do You Learn Something New?If you could learn fast and effectively, you might become the person with something interesting to say on any topic. It could also help in your carreer or business.

A World of Possibility

When I started my sales career over 25 years ago, I worked for a small company selling telephone answering equipment. Hard to believe it but in those days I had to explain to prospects what the equipment was for and why they might want to use it.

Increase Your Intelligence With Music

You Are What You Listen ToCan music really help you think better? Yes, according to the research that has been done so far.Listening to, and participating in music creates new neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity.

Reduce Anxiety About Decison Making

What's the alternative to making decisions?Allowing someone else, or circumstances, to make them for you.And that is giving up control of your life.

Finding Peace: A Taste of Mindfulness

When we are ill and don't know it, we are in a state of ignorance or delusion. We don't view ourselves as sick, so we don't believe it's necessary to go to a doctor or take any medication.

Pecked to Death By Ducks

Ever been in a situation where it seems like minor criticisms are all you hear? Sure, there are things you could improve, you know that . .

Flying in the Slow Lane

Dogs distrust hot air balloons. I gathered this tidbit as my husband and I floated over the mountains in a wicker gondola, listening to the barking chorus that followed us even 3,000 feet into the air.

Living On Purpose

The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Those individuals who live their lives 'on purpose' are not prone to wondering what the meaning and purpose of their life is.

Making Changes in Your Personal Life

Making changes in your personal life can be a tough process. Change starts with a thought.

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