Transform Your Office Into A Powerhouse Of Success

Did you know that the area that you call your 'office' is a direct reflection of you? If your environment is clean and uncluttered it projects that the person who works there is calm and has everything under control. Consequently if it looks like the local rubbish tip then the impression others get is that this person is disorganised, and a complete mess.

Now before any of you get upset with these assumptions, I'm just stating the fact that the way you have set up your office will greatly affect how other people perceive you.

Of course, clutter is not the only area to address if you want to project a professional image, however it plays a bit part. There are several easy to implement ideas which will have a dramatic impact on your productivity, providing you take action.

If you seriously would like to turn your office into a powerhouse of success, then take action on these tips from Feng Shui guru Debra Jarvis?

The First Step

Move everything out of the area designated as the office, especially what's stored in cupboards and up on shelves. There is no place to hide from Feng Shui eyes. Bring back in only those items that are relevant. Evaluate the other stuff, do you love it, is it useful? If not get rid of it (sell, dump or give it away).

Everything in its Place

It is important that all items have a designated place to which they are returned after use. Put things used frequently in the most accessible spots. Time spent working is much more pleasant when we can easily locate and access items when required.

Set up Your Power Position

Place yourself in the power position. This is the position where you have a view of every entryway. Where you have a choice of places or directions, put your office chair in each position and sit quietly for a few minutes getting an idea of what it would be like to spend time there. The one that immediately feels right is your power position. When you set yourself up in the power position you have control in the space, your self-esteem will go up and you accomplish more. Try it for 28 days and if you don't find any benefits (including increased business) then change the position.

Clean and Clear Clutter

Maintain a clear desktop. Paperwork is relentless in its onslaught. Deal with it immediately, use TRAF (Toss, Refer, Act or File). Creating a pile to deal with later creates clutter and clutter is bad Feng Shui.

Remove Obstacles

Make your office area inviting to come into. In Feng Shui it is considered that opportunity flows to us in direct proportion to the ease of entry and the welcome that is experienced in our workplaces. This applies even when we are the only ones who ever go there. Only have items that you personally care for. Feng Shui tells us that everything is alive with memories, feelings and associations. What are the objects in your office saying to you? Question their origin, did you come by it because that's all you could find at the time, are you still in a good relationship with the person who gave it to you, would something else be more suitable?

Condition Audit

Does everything in your office work and is everything kept in optimal condition? In Feng Shui it is very important that we either attend to the repair of items immediately or where we are not prepared to do this we discard them. An item that is less than ideal is said to begin negatively impacting after 28 days.


Use natural light as much as possible. Use incandescent electric lighting in preference to fluorescent. It is less tiring to work under especially if you are also operating a computer. Harsh white light is not optimal for working under. If you have to use fluorescent use full-spectrum (daylight) bulbs and experiment with only utilising half as many ie: where there is a double fitting only install one bulb.

Terrific New Timesaving Products

The Small Business High Performance Program

A must for every small business. This product pack features nine great products for getting organised including "How To Gain An Extra Hour In Your Day" and "How To Sell More Of Anything To Anyone in Less Time"!


The Getting Organised Program

Great for getting started! This product pack includes three great products for getting organised and showing you "How to Have Even Less Mess, Less Stress and More Success"


ONLINE PROGRAM : How to Survive and Thrive at Work

This twelve week on-line program has been designed to enable you to learn simple and easy to implement ideas which you can action immediately.



Plants absorb potentially harmful gases and clean the air. During the day they take the air we breathe out and recycle it. You can use plants in your office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to work. When people feel good, they perform better. It is important that the plants are well cared for and that they remain healthy and vibrant.


Water features are another wonderful Feng Shui enhancement. As water symbolises opportunity and abundance, ensure that water is not stagnant and, if flowing, the fall is a full 360 degrees or towards the centre of the occupied space.

Debra can be contacted at Feng Shui Miracles, (07) 3367 0162 or e-mail:

The Final Word

It makes sense doesn't it? When you have an uplifting environment to work in, you feel good, you look good and you're more productive. Think about this?how many hours a week are you in your office? Probably more hours than you spend at home. All you need to do now is take action!

It's worth the effort to make some simple yet very effective changes so that you can powerup your worklife. All you need to do now is take action!

About The Author

Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.,

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