Throw a No-Heat Party for the Planet

Is it really possible to have loads of fun, and help the planet at the same time?

I remember the first No-heat party I went to. It was on the coldest night of winter that year, according to the Farmer's Almanac. I know, because the hosts actually bragged about it to us...

You see, even though It was a @#$% cold minus 40 degrees outside, that party had the windows of the house completely fogged up from our body heat, all night long.

The hosts were thrilled, because they'd managed to turn DOWN the thermostat for the very coldest night of the entire year. (This was the kind of thing they got their jollies on. I know. I can relate.)

In fact, what really made me stop and think was that I found out later...they didn't have to heat that place for the ENTIRE next day. I guess it didn't hurt that they'd jammed us in like sardines and we were quite the rowdy bunch. Giggle.

Actually, throwing a No-heat party is pretty simple! Here's what you do:

Invite a bunch of people over. Friends, coworkers, family, or a combination works too.

Turn DOWN, or OFF, your thermostat an hour before everyone arrives.

Enjoy the party. (If you've invited enough people, it will be a nice warm one.)

Warm it up even more by turning up the music and dancing off that food.

Thank everyone for their body heat contribution (or don't, if you're shy) and hit the sack happy, knowing you've done a cool thing for the planet AND had a great time.

Easy right?

You're absolutely right.

And what you'll have had there, is your very first green, no-heat party. Congratulations! I hope it's the first of many, many more.

Turning down your thermostat just the one or two nights a month or so, when you're entertaining, is a mindless, simple and FABULOUS way to help the planet. Heck, you may even want to throw more parties so you can do it more often! Just be sure you're fair about it and go warm up your friends' houses once in a while too.

Andrea J. Lee coaches entrepreneurs and online business owners. As Thomas J. Leonard's General Manager, she helped build and manage the largest network and trainer of personal and business coaches in the world. Now the CEO of Andrea J. Lee Group of Companies, she writes, speaks and consults on Marketing, Internet, Business systems and the environment. For more helpful tips on how to help the planet, visit

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