Action NOT Reaction

Do you feel you are in charge of your life do you really believe that you control your destiny? Or you are of those people who feel manipulated all the time, they are doing things and they don't know, why? Do you have the sense that you are a wooden puppet that someone else pulls the strings?

I have an answer for you.

Psychologists have proven that human decisions are based on emotions, and once an emotional decision is made they use their logical part of the brain to justify that decision. That way everything is "clear" to you, you think you know why you do whatever is you do. Where is my point?

Nobody wants to believe that is being deceived or manipulated in any way, so you rationalize your decisions in order to justify your actions. But what would happen if someone knew how you would react on a given situation?

Simple, That person would control you and the worst part is that you wouldn't even be aware of it consciously. And before you think that this is a far fetched idea let me remind you of something or some form of persuasion most children use, the invocation to love. e.g. "mama do you know how much I love you? I saw Jim with that new bicycle; it was wonderful I can't take it out of my mind". You probably know how the rest of this conversation goes.

If a little child can find ways to convince its parents to do what it wants them to do, imagine what an educated and well informed adult can do.

Most persuasion techniques appeal on your emotional side, why? Because you don't know how to control your feelings without repressing them, actually repressing your feelings is even worse.

"Ok John I see that, but what can I do?"

You have made your first step by reading this article, cause now you have more information on how things are in your head. There is a funny thing but when someone else tells us something obvious we shift our focus and make all the connections in a sec.

Also there is one other thing you should do. Whenever you make a decision wait 20 sec and try to focus on the counting not on the decision. You will realize that you see things differently now, more concise and clear.

Do you know what I do after the 20 second period? I mentally take the decision and run a imaginary "film" in my mind, of how things would be different in the future if I took that decision, in any possible way that I can imagine. If I can see, that things would be better I just do it, if I see things I don't like I back up and consider it more to seek for alternatives.

I don't claim you will be bulletproof to persuasion but at least you train your mind to see more and realize the consequences of a decision, for better and for worse.

Your Friend,

John Giagkiozis Publishes Self Improvement Tips, he is dedicated helping people like You! If you're looking for the Home Business Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, information and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and subscribe for FREE at:

The Life all Deserve, An Opportunity and a Challenge

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