Life - Is It Just An Illusion?

It's a well-known fact that electrons and atoms move at the speed of light, technically flickering in and out of existence. In other words, half of the time we are actually not here.

Our reality, or existence if you will, is in essence a perceived reality, much like a movie or those animated cartoons. The speed with which the pages of the cartoon characters are flipped, gives the illusion and the perception that the cartoon characters are actually animated. That's because of our own limited five senses and that's why on some level life is an illusion. There is something there, which affirms that life is occurring, but not the way it seems. Like in show business and politics, it's all about perception. However, what holds 'reality' together and gives meaning to our existence is love and spiritual enlightment, that deep understanding of who we really are, our place in the universe and the ability to see the unity in all living things. Remember that between birth and death we have nothing but time. And time has no meaning. It's only through our actions and a sense of purpose that we give life meaning)

Now, if you knew that there was a magic pill that you could take today in order to experience the real deal, you know, more joy (and not the artificial kind), love, fulfillment and success (beyond the narrow definition of material success) while freeing yourself from all fears, wouldn't you rush to order many bottles without delay? Well, while pills may have some side effects and be in limited supply, the good news is that all that information and so much more is available to you right now in THE AMERICAN DREAM written by Geela, an award winner singer/songwriter and the founder of the innovative nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD dedicated to helping children and promoting a culture of peace. Mastery of the art of the possible is at the heart of her true-life story of an immigrant who came to the America, overcame incredible obstacles to achieve success, as defined by The American Dream. However, there is a twist to this success story.

A near-death experience made her realize that there was more to life than material success and that the American Dream was an illusion since it was based on a materialistic values system, a dead-end to anyone in pursuit of the riches of the heart. Based on her extensive experience, both personally and professionally, Geela put together a blueprint called The Principles For Successful Living. When applied correctly, these principles are sure to take anyone regardless of their circumstances and perceived disabilities, from poverty to prosperity.

In fact, many successful people knowingly or unknowingly have been applying them and they WILL work for you too. She should know. Geela is living proof that the possible always exceeds the impossible. Remember, it's your dream, so claim it.

About The Author

Copyright © 2004, Geela

Author of *The American Dream*

Geela is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer, columnist, and author of the best-selling book *THE AMERICAN DREAM,* her true- life story of how she came to America as a young immigrant with nothing and overcame incredible obstacles to achieve mega-success. She founded ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD to help children and promote a culture of peace and harmony. Get a free sample of her music and her book at

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