Gullibles Travels

A journey by a web-footed gull through a sea of sharks.


Gull - a dupe, a fool; vulnerable to deceive; to trick; to defraud.

Shark - voracious marine fish; swindler; rapacious fellow; an expert. Shark-skin - stiff, smooth-finished!

As a gull with newly acquired webbed feet, I set out to test them on new waters. My new webbed feet allowed me to surf on waves I had never seen before, soaring high with excitement and sometimes being overwhelmed by the shear size of the waves. The waters I am discovering are vast and diverse, stretching out in all directions, some hot, some cold and some luke warm.

Diverse are also the fish in these waters. Some small and tasty but not big enough to satisfy my hunger. Others are big and juicy offering more than enough to feed on, but rather difficult to get my teeth into. This needs perseverance and a tough stance, refusing to let go. The longer I hold on the more I can bite off, and eventually the easier it will be to share with others and help them get their teeth into this big fish.

There are however, I am discovering, dangers in these waters. Surfing the seas with webbed feet attracts some other fish who are hungry to dig their greedy teeth into my flesh, and eat up everything I have. These are sharks! Stiff, smooth looking creatures, who lurk in the waves, just below the surface, out of clear view, just visible enough to be mistaken for a big meaty fish ready for feasting on.

But watch out! You other young gulls with your new webbed feet. These sharks are out to get you! They will lure you into a corner and snap at you grabbing all they can get, and leave you squirming in the foam helpless and lost and robbed!

The sharks will use any means possible to draw you towards them. Some wave fancy banners, rather similar to those banners pointing to where the good etable fish are. Still other sharks will attract you with dummy fish, which look like the real thing. But beware! Such fish are never so easy to catch and these false offers are just too easy to be true. They are traps. Try to grab one and the shark will have you.

Yes! The World Wide Web of Surfing is a dangerous place. It is an INTERwoven NETwork of goodies and dangers. I have learned to be cautious while SURFing these waters, not to be so gullible, and watch out for the many SHARKS.

Here are a few tips for young gulls.

1. Test the waters before you plunge in.

2. Never believe what you are told without first checking it out.

3. Ask some of the bigger gulls, who have evolved with experience to become dolphins. They will tell you who are the sharks to avoid.

4. A sure sign of a shark: "Come to me and I will give you plenty - immediately!" Stay clear of such ones.

5. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

About The Author

Jim Murdoch is new to network marketing. Read what he has to say about "Why you need your own home business" in his autoresponder: His web site is at

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