Our Worst Enemy

Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roamingthe dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally andemotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office who are engaging in graft and corruption, instead of helpingthose in need?

We have many implications of who our enemies are; but we haveone common foe who is the main cause of our failures andmisfortunes, and we're not even aware of this opponent.

You may not want to admit it, but our worst enemy is ourselves.

Who do you blame when something goes wrong? You blame the peoplearound you, the weather, maybe even God. But we are the ones whoare in control of ourselves. We can change the outcome of ourlives because we have the capacity to do that. It is our fear, jealousy, greed, etc. that is ruining our lives.Some people who never managed to get out of poverty blame thegovernment or their jobs. But they're too afraid to try outnew ventures that may improve their lives. They half-heartedlygo to work on their 9 to 5 job. Then when the day is done, theywatch TV and go out aimlessly having fun without seriously thinking of what great opportunity the future has in store for them, if only they would try to do something different with their lives.

Fear has caused many to remain frigid and to never go out exploring the wonderful things this world has to offer.Lots of people would rather stay where they are in anunsatisfied state than to risk difficulties and obstaclesfor the sake of attaining their dreams.

If their lives are not getting any better, they have no else to blame but themselves.

Jealousy and envy has also caused some relationship problems. Some people immediately jump to conclusions without first analyzing the situation. They let their sudden emotions control their behaviors without even thinking of the consequences that may result.

If they're having problems with their relationships, theyhave no else to blame but themselves.

This goes to show that we decide what will happen to us. Ofcourse, there are circumstances that are beyond our control,like natural calamities. But we can still utilize to our best advantage the things that we have control of.

For instance, you got rejected by your dream girl. Somepeople would just get drunk and feel miserable, thinking thatit's the end of the world. Some will move onwards with theirlives and find the best in what remains with them. See? It'sreally up to you. You decide if you want to have a good lifeor not.

You failed in your exams? So what? There's another opportunity. You can just sulk in sorrow or you can study harder to get a high score in the future. It's up to you.

There's no use crying over spilled milk. You don't have toget frustrated over your misfortunes. Concentrate on howyou could get better in the future.

If we encounter problems, we can either succumb to it, or we can treat it as an opportunity to become stronger and to become better individuals. Winners would always treat their dilemmas as opportunities.

Oh yes. We can be our worst enemy, but we can also be our best friend. It's all up to you!

Michael Lee is the author of "How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion Wizard," an ebook designed to fully improve your relationships, multiply your profits, win negotiations, and help you attain all the desired freedom and power you could ever dream of. Go to http://www.20daypersuasion.com now and grab a sample chapter.

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