Some Business Coaches are in Error

Many business coaches deny the power of suggestion while using it. For instance a corporate inner circle will be told that they have inner conflicts with ethical practice due to the stockholders coming first, the customers coming second and employees coming third. They will tell the corporate management team that often what must be done short term to appease shareholders may not be good long term for employee units or quality of products to the end user. Yet this is linear thinking for some one who plays at a higher level in western culture and corporate America. Our goals is win/win/win. And if you will read Jim Collins book "Built to Last" you will see my point here.

These business coaches are without thinking placing doubt in the minds of corporate leaders like a cancer thru the power of suggestion that they have inter-emotional conflict with their belief systems, ethical standards and long and short term goals. Any true executive can play chess at a higher level and solve all the issues just fine. So in essence many corporate coaches in their professions are self-serving. Because when they make such statements that indeed create a perception that commerce is evil and there will be inner conflict in the minds of those corporate executives. This is similar to the lawyers lobbying the government for more regulations, then writing articles and alerting businesses that they need to fear the new legislation and that the same Lawyer is now here to help you. Of course these corporate coaches are not that bad are they? Well Sarbaines Oxley now takes up two-thirds of the time in America's corporate boardrooms now. How much time do corporate board members spend in trying to butter up their psyche?

I do not see ethical conflicts in corporations because they are a necessary tool to deliver services, products and choice efficiently to market so that is a blessing to the whole of civilization. Everything you see, everywhere you go; was created by an entrepreneur or corporation. Without those things, computers, cars, buildings, fuel, phone lines, power, etc. you would also be unable to serve your life's mission in any capacity; your life experience would be reduced to rubble and dirt floors. If someone cannot handle this and are a corporate executive then they are weak, they should not be out providing or producing anything, we would not want them in my companies.

Where as I can appreciate these corporate coach guru's thoughts and perspectives; I wonder are they in fact being too linear in some of their concepts? Sure there are times when it takes a real pragmatic mindset to make decisions in a business, politics, war, sporting events, competition, etc. Many times those choices must be made fast and once made lived with. Sure such decisions run the gamut of ethical debate, ends and means or short and long term. However a thinking-human can make such decisions in a non-linear fashion to solve problems without remorse, guilt or psychological issues. Corporations are not for people who are weak and come with inner conflict baggage. Not everyone is equal and indeed, some should not be in corporations if they cannot handle it.

Such debates on ethics would be more well served in my opinion spent on the masses who might lie to you to save two-dollars. 35% of Americans are unethical. Perhaps we might turn some of these corporate coaches onto the government arena where conflict of right and wrong are a daily occurrence and abuses of power and linear thought are the norm. There is little ethical issue in today's modern corporations only a mass media incited hysteria that there is. A fraud against truth, which originates with lawyers and regulatory PR trying to convince society that we need protection against the big bad corporations, who have done nothing wrong. In fact without these corporations who deliver to the masses their infinite desires and appetite for more the average citizen, consumer and TV watcher would be residing on a dirt floor with pigs and chickens, whose children were playing with sticks and rocks minus the TV? You think I am mistaken, then get off your ass and travel to the third world and stop telling the masses that corporations and business people are crooks.

And as for the corporate coaches in the world, stop feeding feelings of inferiority to corporate executives we are all a bunch of weak-minded and unethically challenged individuals. Not all of us buy all that malarkey you are dishing out hook, line and sinker. We hire you people who call themselves coaches to help underling under achievers, which we must promote due to diversity laws to levels, which are beyond their mental brain capacity. The same laws which impede the strength and integrity of the team causing lawsuits which hamper our progress and we have to pass onto the consumer and masses which started all this sound and fury in the first place. So, dear corporate coach, take all your foo foo Starbucks gift cards and shove them up your rears, if you want to give us advice on how to run things and deliver to the masses that which they desire for a unit of trade called a dollar, then lets compare back accounts first. Until then please stop brain washing our executives into thinking that they cannot cope and their only answer is your corporate coaching seminars, tapes and paraphernalia. The world's corporations have a job to do and must be strong, there is a world to feed out there and the action is 24/7 and the games never stops. If you want to really do your job as corporate coaches team strength not weakness and feelings. Corporate Coach line: "Oh, I empathize with you, how does that make you feel today?" From a real executive: "Well, Mr. Corporate Coach; it makes me feel like I want to shoot you, get the F-out of this office. Now then how does that make you feel, you morons." And to that point would someone mind telling me why every PhD Corporate psychologist has some asinine corporate book to read; that is no way to win friends and influence people. Weakness does not work when there is serious work to be done. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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