Relaxation Couldnt Be Simpler

Many people use their sofa and TV to help them 'switch off and relax'. In reality, television programs can suspend you n stress for yours, with depressing or thrilling storylines, violence and madness!

True relaxation is achieved when all tensions and thoughts are eliminated. Inside, you are calm, peaceful, yet alert and focused. You are in control and feel the strength of just 'being'. The good news is, anyone can do it.

The aim is not to escape from stress momentarily for a 'breather', it is to develop the ability to maintain normal breathing and heart rate, so that you can stay calm and in control, in any given situation.

All you need is between 5 and 20 minutes of personal time to slip away somewhere quiet?

1. Switch off your phone, ask others not to disturb you

2. Sit or lie comfortably

3. Just as if you were switching off all the lights in a huge supermarket at the end of the day, switch off all your thoughts

4. Close your eyes - the darkness is soothing

5. Now focus on the sensation of your breathing, feel the rise and fall of your inhale and exhale, listen to the air coming in and out of your body

6. Feel how your body feels

7. Don't try to alter your breathing, it will change naturally as you sink deeper into the experience

8. If thoughts slip into your mind, gently bring your awareness back to your breathing

This is all you need to do to relax your body and mind. It's THAT simple. To really benefit you need to practise this 'breathwork' on a daily basis.

After a few days of using this simple technique, you should begin to feel the rejuvenating powers of true relaxation.

After a few months - broader benefits will become apparent - improved health, improved relationships, better concentration and memory.

But don't stop there! With practice, it is possible to achieve this feeling of peace and calm at any time, enabling you to remain focused and composed even under pressure. Staying calm in a stressful situation is like having night vision when the lights go out - you have a great advantage!

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore enjoys the freedom of working from home. Are you interested in earning money from home? We're looking for individuals who have basic phone and internet skills to join our team of work-at-home-ers. If you're serious about earning money from home and are willing to work (this isn't 'get rich quick'), then we'd like to help you grow a profitable business. We offer complete training, online and offline resources and a partnership for success. Visit today:

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