Is Coaching Everything That It Is Cracked Up To Be?

Personal or business coaching has helped thousands change their lives and achieve their goals. Yet, for the sceptics it still is a fuzzy concept with little recognition for its benefits. Think of Celine Dion, who with a voice coach claimed world fame. Her coach unleashed what is known today as one of the most mesmerizing voices in the world.

Is coaching just a buzzword to capture another niche market of those seeking instant gratification and on the spot success?Let's take a look at good fitness coach. He gets into your mind and pinpoints what motivates you and which exercises you enjoy. He designs a program with your physical condition and goals in mind. Your fitness coach teaches you how to properly use equipment and reach your target. He is right at your side helping you to get the most out of your workout. He challenges you to reach your goals and believes that you can do it. He is always a step ahead of you and more interested in your success than you. Most people go to the gym hoping to get results on their own. For many it is not until they get a coach that positive changes start to happen.

Relationship coaching for singles or couples is no different. Most singles plough through the smorgasbord of hyped dating avenues hoping to find their one-and-only. Couples in unhappy relationships try to solve conflicts on their own, wait for a miracle or leave. Reportedly, those who reach out to a coach have made remarkable progress in relative short time spans. Coaching has become a source of real help for real people in the real world.

Just like in the case of Celine Dion, a relationship coach unleashes the best of you. Whether you are in a relationship or single, a coach knows that you have everything inside to realize your relationship potential. Relationship/dating coaching is not a long, drawn-out process. People have achieved success in as little as 4-6 sessions. The focus of coaching is in on moving forward from where you. Coaching empowers you to move beyond the past and take a different approach to dating or relationship conflict resolution. It is this direct, head-on approach that leads to desired change.

Coaching is about results and positive changes. A good coach will support, guide and challenge you to action. He or she will share new skills, knowledge and insights unavailable before. Through coaching you will gain a new leash on love and life:

•Find out who you are
•How to ignore most dating advice
•How to be authentic
•How to challenged yourself
•How to avoid the dating traps
•How to stop dating by default
•How to focus your energy on your goals
•How to make the right choices
•How to date as a single parent
•How to prevent getting hurt
•How to create intimacy
•How to overcome insecurity
•How to trust your instinct

•How to prevent relationship pitfalls
•How to manage anger or resentment
•How to focus on the positive
•How to say what you mean
•How to trust yourself
•How to ask for what you need
•How to stop being the victim
•How to develop respect
•How to negotiate
•How to create a secure relationship
•How to create authentic intimacy
•How to built trust
•How to love without losing yourself

A good dating coach focuses on how your dating pattern spills over to every area of your life. A good relationship coach explores how your relationship defines you and influences all aspects in your life. A coach is able to uncover sabotaging behaviour and misconceptions. He or she is able to connect the dots without being judgmental. Your coach becomes a mentor who helps you to take action towards a fulfilling relationship. Based on his expertise, knowledge and passion he opens possibilities you never thought possible. Relationship coaching is for you:

•If you value yourself and your relationship
•If you want to radically improve all your relationships
•If you want to escape pain and frustration
•If you want to gain the confidence to date
•If you are open to learn new skills
•If you are committed to your own success

Coaching has helped thousand successfully find love or dramatically improve existing relationships. It will also help you! When choosing a coach, check his experience, credentials and ethics. Evaluate his passion and most importantly, trust your gut feeling. Coaching should be fun and productive; make sure you really like your coach! Isn't it time you took care of our relationships?

© 2005 Allie Ochs, Relationship Expert, Coach, Speaker and the Author of "Are You Fit To Love?" ISBN 0-9720227-9-1. Her articles are published in numerous magazines and newsletters. She has appeared on radio and TV. To order her book or to take the Fit 2 Love! Test visit her website at

For FREE relationship/dating advice e-mail:

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