How To Improve Your Selling Skills -- With Coaching Skills

But people love being coached. It's respectful and considerate of their needs. it helps them focus on what is right for them. In fact, it's all about them - the client. It doesn't matter to you if you make a sale or not, and they appreciate that? in fact, they just may buy something from you after all? you're so 'nice' and honest!

The days of the old-fashioned salesman/woman have long gone. For many in the sales profession, they know what not to do, but they aren't quite sure about what they should be doing. And the answer is quite simple? learn and apply coaching skills to your selling situations.

H.R. professionals and Managers are embracing coaching skills now because they realize this is the best way to deal effectively and successfully with all types of people. It entails a special honesty and openness that up until very recent times, was not a reputation the sales profession enjoyed. One of the wonderful things about coaching is that it can be applied to anybody in any situation with remarkable results. The reason it works is quite simple. People like to feel respected and honored as intelligent and worthwhile beings. They like to be listened to and understood. They like others to be honest with them and not manipulate them. When you make somebody feel this way, it is very interesting to see how cooperative they become.

As a Sales "coach", instead of worrying about closing the sale, you can relax and coach people into a sale. Instead of struggling with resistant prospects, you can coach them into doing the right thing for you and for them. Once you cease to be pushy, people cease to resist. When coaching a client, rather than selling to them, you listen to what they have to say, and by listening very closely to everything they say rather than thinking about what you will say next, you can learn if they are likely to be a fit for whatever you are selling and how best your product or service may serve them. You will learn what their objections are and whether they are reasonable or something that can be overcome. This process is a gentle, friendly and polite way to do business and it is one to which more people respond favorably.

In essence, people come to see you more as a trustworthy advisor rather than somebody with ulterior motives and your eye on their wallet. Leave your sales pitch in your briefcase? when coaching your customer you start with questions, and then listen very carefully to the answers. Don't speak to them like you would to a ten year old or somebody whose mother language is anything but English. Speak to them as you would to friends. You don't push it if your customer seems anxious to get away. Maybe they are busy and your timing is bad.

When you have listened and learned about your prospective customer's needs and situation, you are in a position to know whether what you can offer will be of real benefit to them. Don't try and recite the sales brochure, just select a few things about what you can offer that apply to their situation. If you were listening closely to them, this part will be easy. Then invite them to take the next step, and don't get anxious at the last minute and resort to hard sales techniques from yester-year in an attempt to close the sale. Leave the ball in the customer's court. Establish your integrity and sincerity first. You have to "sell" the person on YOU first, before you can sell them on your product or service. And it's important to note that people can spot a phony a mile a way. It's better to leave your card, a brochure and other pertinent details with them and invite them to call you at any time, no obligation, if they'd like further information, than undo all your efforts by trying to close the sale with the old traditional methods and risk losing them even as a future customer.

A not so obvious benefit of this approach is even if this customer isn't interested, they may know somebody else who would be. Word of mouth referrals are powerful. Never forget that every prospective customer to whom you speak may be able to bring more business your way. What would you like them to say to their friends about you and your product?

So don't think of yourself as a salesperson in the future? think of yourself as a friendly and trusted advisor, who just so happens to have a particular brand or service he recommends. Never run down your competition. In fact, if you believe your client would be best served by another company's product, you can earn valuable points by telling them about it.

It sounds easy, but when it comes to putting it into practice, these skills do not necessarily come naturally to everybody. But there is no need to despair. There are some excellent training programs around - there are some duds too. It pays to do your research when looking for training. Or if time and money is an issue, you can invest in a home-study coaching kit and learn these skills in your own time. Click here to view information on one of these kits.

It doesn't really matter which method you choose to upgrade your skills, just as long as you do upgrade. "Selling" is so "yesterday" and your customers are much more wiser and savvy than they used to be.

The Coaching Kit includes:

Coach Training Guidebook $495 (The highly respected and internationally recognized Comprehensive Coaching U Guidebook - previously ONLY available to registered students) Audio Pack

Coaching for Fun and Profit with Terri Levine

How to Start a Coaching Business from Scratchwith Terri Levine

Expand Your Coaching Business with Terri Levine

$295 Tuning In 1 Full Length Video $25 Coaching for an Extraordinary Life Book- autographed $15 Work Yourself Happy Bookautographed (An Amazon best seller in 2002) $15 Resource Guide:How to Get New Clients Fast $79 One Marketing Plan Critique $1,250 Success Strategies from Terri Levine (downloadable PDF format). This is chock full of marketing and practice building tips for you to implement for success and comes with a full year of unlimited email consulting. Send any questions you have about implementing these strategies and you will get personalized email support. $299 One Critique of all marketing materials (business card, letterhead, logo, business name, brochure, mailers, web site) $500 Package Value $2,973.00 Special Price $897.00

We're almost giving it away! Order yours now before we change our mind.

"So far I've started with two clients and have gained a lot of knowledge and have less fear. Thanks for laying all the information out there so I don't have to read tons of books, search websites and take a zillion teleclasses. This is quick, easy and fast. And it works for me!" ~John Hadley

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A complete set of client welcome package materials you can put to use immediately. Change the information to your business name, phone number, etc. and you're done. You'll be able to use these materials over and over again for years. Value $3,000 One year of unlimited telephone support. When you have a question, if something isn't clear, if you just want to be certain you have everything correct, call or email as often and as many times as you'd like.

Value $ 595 Sample Templates for Press Releases. These are ready to go releases that you can follow to create your own releases to send to the media to gain press attention. Value $ 79 Total value of the extra bonus package $3,674.00 "Terri, I've always admired your success but didn't think I could do it? guess what, I am now!" ~ Lori Dillingham PLUS, you get Terri's money-back guarantee: There's absolutely no way I can lose because my investment of $897 is completely protected by your highly unusual and daring "100% We'll Buy It Back Plus a $50 Penalty To Boot Guarantee". I've got 12 full months to check out everything and try it all out for myself. And if for any reason I don't feel I'm learning the coaching skills - I can just send back all the material for a prompt and courteous refund. No games. No tricks. I get every penny back (less shipping). Plus, if I show you that I actually tried to get clients and start a coaching business and I didn't succeed you'll pay me a $50 penalty for wasting my time!

"Terri is the only one I know who built her business fast, easy and to such profits. Her kit is what every coach needs." ~ Alinda Vasquez

Written by Terri Levine, MCC, PCC, MS, CCC-SLP, the CEO of Coaching, popular Master Certified personal and business Coach, sought after Public Speaker, and Author of bestsellers, "Stop Managing, Start Coaching", "Work Yourself Happy", "Coaching for an Extraordinary Life" and "Create Your Ideal Body". She can be contacted via the web site or, or by telephone: 215-699-4949.

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