Stay Connected To WHY You Are Doing Things

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." Richard Bach

This quote was shared with me by a fellow coach & colleague. I think it is such a great quote that I share it with you. Isn't it so true that the more we want to get something done, the less it feels like "work"? This quote led me to start pondering about the things I wanted to do in my work versus the things I felt I had to do. I wondered what caused me to *want* to do some things as opposed to others on my never ending to-do list?

After some reflection, I realized that the items that I wanted to do were usually connected to feeling useful and feeling that I was helping someone else. It was the sense of purpose behind what I was doing that motivated me. This was interesting to note. Sometimes it's easy to get disconnected from the 'why' of what we are doing and get stuck in the 'what' of what we are doing.

When is the last time you asked yourself 'why am I doing this?' And I don't mean when the answer of 'for a paycheck'! Yes, we all work for a paycheck (and the tax man!) but we also work for other reasons. We work to express our creativity in the world, we work to exercise our natural talents and skills, we work to grow and expand our understanding and abilities, and we work to help others and to contribute to our community.

So, why are you working? What got you into this field? What are the things on your to-do list that you do easily, quickly and without hesitation? When we can identify the *why* of why we are working by looking at the things that don't *feel* like work to us, it can help us alleviate the burden we sometimes feel from tasks that feel like drudgery.

The next time you find yourself procrastinating or dreading a task, take a moment to re-connect to the greater purpose of your work. What part of your job makes you feel alive, useful and like a contributor to the world?

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated to do any work. When you find yourself feeling de-motivated it's especially important to understand *why* you are choosing to do the work that you do. It's essential to make sure you are working for the right reasons. It's rarely just about the money!

Deirdre Maigread McEachern is a personal coach who helps herclients experience more joy in their lives. You can contact Deirdre for a complimentary consultation at 207-439-4280 orjoin her free monthly newsletter at

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