Coaching Information

Automatic Brain Works Overtime For You

Use all of your brain to be your most effective."Running on Automatic" is what I call the ability to visualize what you need to have happen.

The Non-Conscious Mind at Work. Harness it for Your Success

Thoughts are real things. As soon as you realize how to control your thoughts you are on your way to making vast changes in your daily success.

Personal Life Coaching And How It Can Help You

Coaching is an effective process used to support individuals in creating something new for themselves. I work side by side with my clients' coaching them by providing perspective and support for self-knowledge as they accomplish their business and personal goals.

Why Don't You Just Stuff It ALL?

You got busy at work, got busy in your marriage, got busy with your home and maybe your kids and before you knew it..

Things Are Good Because I Say They Are

The subject of positive self talk regarding our goals and dreams reminds me of the childhood story, The Velveteen Rabbit. The boy loves the toy so much that a magic fairy comes and turns the toy bunny into a real rabbit.

Do You Make Less Money Than Your Taller Peers?

A recent study at the University of Florida found that over the span of their careers short people earn less money than their taller counterparts. In terms of cold hard cash, each extra inch in height equals roughly $800 difference in annual pay.

Let's Say You're a Dog. Are You So Competitive You'd Eat a Carrot?

Seems like a gal always learns something out on the farm! Yes, it's a farm tale and I'm going to change the names of the animals to protect the guilty!I spent last weekend down in Lower Alabama where my friend from high school owns a farm. On the neighboring property there lives a donkey we'll call "Jake.

Top Ten Tips for Living Authentically

1. Know your purposeAre you wandering through life with little direction - hoping that you'll find happiness, health and prosperity? Identify your life purpose or mission statement and you will have your own unique compass that will lead you to your truth north every time.

Still Wondering About Coaching?

A friend called me the other day from Lower Alabama. He has followed my career as a coach with enthusiasm, and continually refers clients to me, and I'm sure has done his part for making coaching known in his neck of the woods.

A Christmas Wish

My sister is a woman now beginning her thirties. She has had few friends and her boyfriends have never been good for her.

Magic Potions We All Need This Time of Year

As winter descends we begin to feel the chill of shorter days and less sunlight. For many of us, less hours of light combined with colder temperatures results in us feel less light emotionally.

Tripping On Mindfulness

One of the ironies of mindfulness is that it's still possible to be forgetful, klutzy, or even distracted while doing our best to pay attention.Why? We are choosing where to focus and so there are, by necessity, bits of information that aren't getting the full laser treatment.

Your Personal Treasure Chest

Sometimes it is helpful to review several of the basic components of THE ENCHANTED SELF. That's what I've decided to do this time.

The Enchantment of Tribes to Belong To

I am remembering and have a desire to share with you, a beautiful story told to me by a young lady. It was the end of the World War II and her dad was returning home.

Why Things Are The Way They Are

Things are the way you think they are, because you think they are that way. An interesting statement I know, but let's break it down a bit if you will, and see what this Really means.

More Resources

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